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direct link to our new film:
Madagascar 1947, Fahavalo


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 records, books,
events and projects.

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Laterit Productions
created in 1988 to promote a better cross cultural understanding
Film about cultures from all over the world:
Brazil, and many other countries in Africa
More information [here]

Our latest films
Songs for Madagascar
a film by Cesar Paes

Songs for Madagascar by Cesar Paes

Ady Gasy
a film by Lova Nantenaina

ady gasy by Lova Nantenaina

 An opera from the Indian Ocean
a film by Marie-Clémence & Cesar Paes

theatrically released, now screened [here]

The DVD now available  [here]

If you wish to receive the news about our screenings

send us an e mail : contact@laterit.fr

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our catalogue. Films and performances .
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© Laterit productions